While others were practising the Zidane roll on the football pitch, Alex was practising his chatting skills. His path took him from the sports facilities of rural Lower Saxony to the biggest arenas in Europe. Today, Alex is the face of DAZN and a basketball presenter on ProSieben. He lives his passion 24/7 and ROY ROBSON accompanies him.
From the district league
to the premier class
During his studies, Alex was already reporting from the sports fields in the Göttingen district. However, he discovered his true passion on the radio: talking.
The clubs he reports on today are no longer TSV Ebergötzen or SV Seeburg, but Bayern Munich or Borussia Dortmund. His voice can no longer be heard on soccer radio station 90elf, but on DAZN and Spotify. But one thing remains unchanged: His passion for the sport, the people and the background stories.

From Lothar Matthäus
to Dirk Nowitzki
His gateway to big-time soccer was VfL Wolfsburg. After the Bundesliga promotion, which he witnessed live, the Volkswagen Arena became the playing field for his childhood heroes. Today, he shares the Bundesliga stage with his greatest, albeit on different channels: Lothar Matthäus.
“I cut out the penalty spot from the promotion match and planted it in my parents’ garden.”
At a young age, his mother took him from the pitch to the hall, from soccer games to basketball matches. Even today, Alex masters the balancing act between sports with ease. So it is no coincidence that he now meets his teenage idol, Dirk Nowitzki, as part of his presenting duties.
"It's still television, what we're doing."
Even though Alex has seen many athletes come and go in his search for the perfect pre-match outfit, slipping into extroverted extravagance, he has found his style. And it’s neither Otto Rehhagel’s balloon silk nor Carlo Ancelotti’s three-piece suit. His top priority? He has to feel good and not look dressed up. Because only when he simply feels well-dressed does he have the ease with which he writes his story a little further every day.

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